


整个学期都很难跟上进度. 这里有10个建议可以帮助你 keep organized, motivated 和 feeling your best!

It can be difficult to keep yourself on track when you reach the mid-point in the semester. 虽然这可能很有挑战性,但至关重要的是 保持动力,强势完成学期 这样你就可以按时毕业,开始找工作了.

Staying motivated comes down to keeping yourself well organized 和 setting clear personal goals. 这里有10个建议可以帮助你 让自己有条理, motivated 和 feeling your best throughout the semester:

1. 每一天都要慢慢来 

虽然你可能有很多责任, it’s important to remember not to cram everything into one day. This is not an effective method 和 can quickly lead to burnout 和 additional stress. Instead, create a realistic to-do list for yourself each day. 这可以帮助你缩小你的 幸运28计划精力,分清轻重缓急.

2. 寻找一个支持系统

If you can’t find motivation from within, rely on a few people who will encour年龄 you along the way. Family members, friends, academic advisors 和 professors can all be great resources for support. Sometimes having someone there to listen 和 act as your cheerleader can give you the motivation you need.

3. 给自己留点时间

Setting time aside for yourself each day can help maintain a positive mindset. 找一些你喜欢的事情 放松的活动,把你的注意力从学校转移开 有那么一瞬间. This could be going for a drive, listening to music, journaling or even taking a short nap. Even if it’s only a few minutes each day, taking time for yourself can help prevent burnout.

4. 设定目标

Set a list of man年龄able goals for yourself to work toward throughout the semester. This could be something as simple as finishing a project within a certain time frame or getting a higher score on your next exam. 无论大小,都要写 你的目标 down in an accessible place 和 check them off as you complete them. 事后奖励自己, 即使是一点点, can be a helpful technique for holding yourself accountable.

5. 制定计划

一个计划者 can help you visualize your daily, weekly or monthly workload. When everything is written down 和 organized all in one place, it’s easier to stay on track 和 keep yourself from getting overwhelmed. Find a few minutes at the beginning of each day or week to schedule study sessions, 记下最后期限, 考试日期及更多.

6. 避免关注消极方面

When stress runs high, it can be easy to fall into a trap of dwelling on the negatives. 而不是关注你的压力有多大, concentrate on what you enjoy about school as well as your end goals. Reminding yourself of what’s waiting for you at the finish line can motivate you to keep pushing yourself.

7. 寻求帮助

随着学期的进展, 课程材料往往会变得难以理解, 所以如果你发现自己在学习时感到困惑, 寻求帮助! Your professors 和 advisors are there for you 和 you should never feel nervous or embarrassed to 寻求帮助.

8. 锻炼

结合健身 into your daily or weekly routine is not only good for your body but also your mind. The endorphins released during exercise can improve your headspace 和 give you a fresh mindset for tackling your assignments.

9. 避免使用社交媒体

当涉及到社交媒体时,社交媒体可能会让人分心 研究. Put your phone on silent or turn it off entirely to avoid potential distractions. When working on your computer, close any windows or tabs that don’t relate to what you’re doing.

10. 关注你的未来

Through it all, remember why you’re earning your degree in the first place. Consider yourself lucky to be able to chase your dreams 和 pursue a career in a field you love.

Find which of these tips work best for you 和 rely on them throughout the semester to help yourself stay motivated 和 productive.



*美国劳工统计局(BLS).S. 美国劳工部,职业展望手册2022. BLS estimates do not represent entry-level w年龄s 和/or salaries. 多种因素, 包括之前的经验, 年龄, geography market in which you want to work 和 degree field, 会影响职业成果和收入吗. Herzing neither represents that its graduates will earn the aver年龄 salaries calculated by BLS for a particular job nor guarantees that graduation from its program will result in a job, 促销活动, 加薪或其他职业发展.

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